Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's all over!!!!

Well the race is over and the blog was just overwhelming - we apologize. We had the best time. We had a team of 6 - not that we didn't fly our own race - we were just always together - it was so much fun. If you got to the air race classic site under the 2012 racers - team 5 and 25 had excellent blogs and you can catch up. We came in 18th out of 48 teams but the good news is we came home with more money than if we came in 8th or higher. We were a very loose flight of 3 yesterday and I was trying to work on strategy by making the controllers tell me where everyone was. I already have next years route in Foreflight. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This one's for our Kate!!! 195's at Goodland, KS

Too bumpy to take more than one picture - Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque NM

All the "Butterfly Aviation Racers" at Goodland

Race Day One

We climbed out of Lake Havasu to 9500' to clear the ridges then continued a bumpy ride to a higher altitude for better winds. Landing at Gallup, NM was enjoyable as we got to see the same faces at the FBO (we visited them on the way to Lake Havasu). Gallup was windy but NOTHING compared to Hereford, TX. And the fuel service at Gallup was wonderful. Launching into the wind was interesting and we soon climbed to 10,500' with tailwinds headed to Goodland, KS. Forget about Hereford's winds, Goodland was REALLY gusty and blowing but Mary was great and the Mooney performed well. After almost 6 hours of flying across 5 states for a total of 872 miles we called it a day at Goodland. The other PA teams (Classic #5 Alison Chalker & Linda Evans; Classic #25 Ethel Bailey & Barb Zeigler) plus Classic #12 (Lynn Caywood & Susan Beall) all met at the Holiday Inn and had pizza for dinner, compliments of Classic #5!! classic #12 left at the beginning of the timing (06:30 MDT / 12:30 UTC) but we all decided to get some rest. Now it's a waiting game for better weather.

A 75' tall easel with a Van Gogh painting in Goodland, KS

Photo on wall at the Hereford, TX FBO - a Cessna T-50 Bamboo Bomber