Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's all over!!!!

Well the race is over and the blog was just overwhelming - we apologize. We had the best time. We had a team of 6 - not that we didn't fly our own race - we were just always together - it was so much fun. If you got to the air race classic site under the 2012 racers - team 5 and 25 had excellent blogs and you can catch up. We came in 18th out of 48 teams but the good news is we came home with more money than if we came in 8th or higher. We were a very loose flight of 3 yesterday and I was trying to work on strategy by making the controllers tell me where everyone was. I already have next years route in Foreflight. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This one's for our Kate!!! 195's at Goodland, KS

Too bumpy to take more than one picture - Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque NM

All the "Butterfly Aviation Racers" at Goodland

Race Day One

We climbed out of Lake Havasu to 9500' to clear the ridges then continued a bumpy ride to a higher altitude for better winds. Landing at Gallup, NM was enjoyable as we got to see the same faces at the FBO (we visited them on the way to Lake Havasu). Gallup was windy but NOTHING compared to Hereford, TX. And the fuel service at Gallup was wonderful. Launching into the wind was interesting and we soon climbed to 10,500' with tailwinds headed to Goodland, KS. Forget about Hereford's winds, Goodland was REALLY gusty and blowing but Mary was great and the Mooney performed well. After almost 6 hours of flying across 5 states for a total of 872 miles we called it a day at Goodland. The other PA teams (Classic #5 Alison Chalker & Linda Evans; Classic #25 Ethel Bailey & Barb Zeigler) plus Classic #12 (Lynn Caywood & Susan Beall) all met at the Holiday Inn and had pizza for dinner, compliments of Classic #5!! classic #12 left at the beginning of the timing (06:30 MDT / 12:30 UTC) but we all decided to get some rest. Now it's a waiting game for better weather.

A 75' tall easel with a Van Gogh painting in Goodland, KS

Photo on wall at the Hereford, TX FBO - a Cessna T-50 Bamboo Bomber

Another wonderful donation of original artwork signed by surviving WWII pilots!

Mary with her "Flight Barbies" donated to the 99's Endowment Fund

Gallup, NM - Our first leg

Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday - Last day to get everything in order before the Big Race.

Saturday was lovely, we enjoyed a ferry ride to California on the far side of the lake. There is a small Indian casino complete with a restaurant on the water and we all had a nice meal. We teamed up with Alison Chalker & Linda Evans (Classic #5), Ethel Bailey & Barb Ziegler (Classic #25), and Janice Welsh (Classic #48).

Virginia and Dennis Harmer met us after lunch and offered us a ride back to Havasu on their boat and all but Elaine left with them. She opted to stay and play the slots for a bit, and try to win some money to pay for avgas for their race plane.

Sunday started off with a mandatory briefing for all race contestants, then off to shop for incidentals for the race.

Dinner at the London Bridge Hotel was great, with a lot of high energy in the ballroom. we sat in awe as guest speaker Capt. Jennifer Wade, USAF spoke about her career as an F-16 jet pilot serving in Afghanistan. Just awesome, hearing first-hand the hurdles and barriers she had to overcome to be accepted as an equal on the flight deck. great job, Jennifer! She is not only a beautiful, classy lady but has such a wonderful outlook and sense of humor.

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Mary Wunder, Elaine Huf (Classic #15) and Tracey Loveness (Classic #41) at the Start Banquet

Here we are - All lined up and ready to Roll!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

We're Here!

Leaving Gallup NM in the early morning proved the best decision - climbing to 10,500' was easy and almost no bumps. Looking at the terrain below was like being on Mars. Where do these residents who live out here go to work? We figure they are all retired Feds who don't want to be found.

After landing (almost simultaneously with a VERY confuses male Bonanza driver) we met up with other racers and race officials who were really helpful and appreciative of the turnout. These women pilots are AMAZING! From all walks of life in all kinds of careers and families, they are truly facing the challenges of flight just to get here and be a part of this great race.
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Whew! Now to figure out how to land in these gusts.

Lake Havasu At Last!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dalhart, TX to Gallup, NM - What day is this?

Waking up to IFR conditions was not on our agenda - however, it gave us time to figure out a better route to follow through the high terrain.

Once the low clouds and fog cleared out, it was the first smooth ride we had at 8,500 feet (we thought!). Climbing to 10,500' to clear the Manzano Mountains proved us wrong and we spoke too soon. Since we got a late start the day heated up by the time we reached Albuquerque and once again we bounced all over the place.

Luckily the 24kt. winds at Gallup were pretty much right down the runway but there were gusts all the way to touchdown and rollout.

Glad to be on the ground once more but no oil pressure showing while taxiing. Plenty of oil on the stick, but the decision was made to change the oil and filter. After the mechanic finished we were good to go but the wind gusts were stronger and we decided to stay put for the night.
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Those crop dusters just couldn't wait for the fog to lift at Dalhart, TX this morning.

Flying south of Albuquerque, NM at 10,500 feet.

Gallup seems to be the place to be today - tomorrow Lake Havasue!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 2 - Let's Rock 'n Roll!

Departing Springfield -Branson, MO in hazy conditions, we opted to fly to Dalhart, TX instead of heading to Hereford which was having some "weather issues." On the edge of a front, we got bounced around a bit under the clouds but once past the front we picked up a little tailwind.

Landing at Dalhart (DHT) was interesting - 20kts gusting to 26kts - but my trusty Captain Mary made a perfect landing with that sweet Mooney of hers.

Opting to remain overnight, we met up with another race team and shared the FBO's pickup to the hotel. Not disclosing any race strategies, "Plane Dames" and the "Michiana Redbirds" dined together at the local Tex-Mex restaurant. Race plane #48 team members Margaret Wint and Janice Welsh now hold our future in their hands, as they possess the keys to the CREW PICKUP!!!!

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T-6 AF AUX Training Area, Kegelman Field

Great Salt Plains Nat. Wildlife Refuge in the Oklahoma Panhandle.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Westward Ho!!

Team PLANE DAMES left at 0805hrs in gloomy weather headed west to Lake Havasu, AZ with our first stop in Frankfort, KY. It was soft IFR up until 20 miles short of our destination, but the weather cleared and it was a visual approach into Capitol City.

Our next leg was a bit bumpy but clear skies, the only glitch was being rerouted around a hot MOA. Landing at Springfield-Branson in Missouri, we have called it a day!

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We Had To Whine A Bit Before Evansville Approach let us transit their airport (note the HUGE volume of traffic)

Crossing The Ohio River

We Have To Start Sometime!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Handicap Runs

Lin with her beautiful airplane
Side by side after the handicap runs were complete
Lin Caywood met me at Lancaster and we did each others handicap runs yesterday. We had such synchronicity  - landing minutes apart and before our agreed time of 7:30AM. That was the good news - the bad news is that we aren't sure that the data for classic 15 is good so we will see. Today I met Carolyn Van Newkirk at CXY and then I met Alison Chalker at DYL. Hopefully they are viable runs. All the handicap flights have been completed.   My plane is fueled ready to go.  Now to just finish packing.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Time is running out

Time is running out to get things done.  Arnie washed the airplane and helped me put the numbers on - what takes me a week takes him only minutes to accomplish.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another "oops" with Team Name - "PLANE DAMES"

Our team name of Air L'amour is being replaced by "PLANE DAMES" - sorry for the confusion.  Both names were considered in the running but Plane Dames suited our personalities better (we think).

Mary and I spent the better part of a day last week pouring over the charts marking our course to Lake Havasu and the actual race course.  We almost ran out of table space and magic markers!  I am now in the process of marking the towers along our way.

15 minutes ago I sent in my Mountain Flying course certificate to the Safety Officer on the ARC website - Mary was way ahead of me on this - now we are both "in compliance."

Let's hope for good weather during this race.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

We have a team name - "AIR L'AMOUR"

I've been working on our logo with our team name - "AIR L'AMOUR" that we can add to our shirts for the race. 

Completed my BFR last week and am getting excited about flying with all these wonderful ladies.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mooney Proficiency Course

Mary generously allowed me to ride along with her while she completed the Mooney proficiency course in Melbourne, Florida (February 17/18/19).  Not only is Mary a good pilot, she made all her instrument approaches so smooth I thought SHE was teaching the INSTRUCTOR. 

We both enjoyed the warm weather (it was snowing in Scranton the day I left).  It was a good class and I'm looking forward to flying again with Mary this spring;  maybe some right-seat time with her instructor back home in PA.

Thanks again, Mary - I learned a lot about your airplane systems and how we can WIN this race!

Monday, January 9, 2012

9 January 2012

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward - For there you have been and there you long to return."

Leonardo DaVinci

Monday, January 2, 2012

We've Only Just Begun:

Hello everyone,

Mary successfully registered her Mooney and our team (as yet unnamed) for the 2012 Women's Air Race Classic.  We requested and obtained my old police badge number "15" for the race.  Hopefully it will bring us good luck.

2012 New Year's resolution:  Lose weight for race, carry more fuel!

2012 Air Race Classic 15 - Mary Wunder & Elaine Huf

Hi Everyone!

Mary promtly entered our team (still working on a name) in the 2012 Air Race Classic, and we were able to obtain the my old police badge number "15."  

We now are pouring over our sectional charts, figuring out the best way to get to the start at Lake Havasu, AZ.  Never too early to start studying.

2012 New Years resolution:  Lose weight, carry more fuel.